Monday, August 15, 2005

50. God's Authority Over America SILK

50. God's Authority over America Center of Scarf forms a Unique TREE of LIFE. I love unfolding and rinsing the scarfs. I love to see what happens! God always surprises me. I could never recreate a scarf, since i do not know HOW i ever achieve the look that i do!
copyrighted Grace Brunelle 2005

49. "God's Authority Over America" The Scarlet Crosses formed over a blue and white peaceful sky. May God have mercy on our country!
copyrighted Grace Brunelle 2005

Jubilee Joy Scarf to mark a 50th year of joy.
copyrighted Grace Brunelle 2005

47. Divine Destiny Anointing Oil

DIVINE DESTINY ANOINTING OIL. This was the Blend created JUST for our Event.. "Restoring Creativity and Arts to Worship". This oil is very anointed, and had been prayed over as it was created. I use this for EVERY silk I create in prayer ( ALL of them!! )

I thought you might like to see the blend that the Saints of Fresh oil created for us. I am happily featured on their fantastic website, where you can purchase European Flacons to house your oils. They EVEN have a necklace Flacon that is Gorgeous. Tell them I sent you. The even carry the Exodus 30 oil, Esther Oil, etc. Fantastic!!

We still have some left to sell if anyone would like a bottle our church has a small amount left, one, just leave a comment and it will get to me. $9 a bottle plus 1.55 shipping.

copyrighted Grace Brunelle 2005