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HONEY FIRE FLAGS, The Lord awakened me at 4 am and told me step by step how to make these. The tips are dipped in honey colored dye. I have never made a type of flag or dyes like this before. All were to be PURE colors, NO mixtures! They symbolize the melting of manmade divisions between members of the body of Christ, as the FIRE of God, in Love melts any walls.The HONEY of the Holy Spirit , the anointing of God pours like a river out of the "waxed cold" walls of division. Wax can not stand heat. This image of fire and melting wax pouring a river of honey came to me in a "picture" vision during prayer with others a few months ago. I pondered long on how to create the colors i saw. Then the Lord in His kindness literally showed me step by step how to achieve this! There is a sermon here,, will post at a later date! Suffice to say that the tips of the flag "rested" in a honey colored dye. In Scripture we are told that in the end times, "the Love of many will WAX COLD". We must push thru our busyness and come aside to rest and Let HIM infuse us with Divine love.
copyrighted Grace Brunelle 2005
Closeup of HONEY FIRE FLAG in Silk, You can see the variations of colors but only pure and unmixed colors were used!
copyrighted Grace Brunelle 2005
UNITY FIRE STREAMER, This is the first time i ever made such a large streamer. The size is 8 ft and 8 " wide, the number 8 is for New Beginnings. This streamer when used, creates the picture of a pure flame. We must burn with HIS love for the Body of Christ. He wants us to be unified in Love. Procion Mx dyes.
copyrighted Grace Brunelle 2005
This streamer is made of only 3 colors as the Lord directed me in a "picture" vision. The colors are Yellow, Pink and Pale orange. The yellow is Joy and spiritual enlightenment, the Pink is for the healing of the wounds of the Bride of Christ, and the Orange is for the Fire of the Holy Spirit. NO color was mixed but each was created of pure single dye, for God calls His people to purity and No more mixture.. "How can light and darkness coexist?"
copyrighted Grace Brunelle 2005
Please visit Eva's site where you will see an Exquisite set of WINGS on a shawl. I highly recommend her silks, she is very talented, the wings are sooo realistic and heavenly! Her work is very restful too!See
SelahPlease check out this Blog, Sherry is a great poet and Her work inspires me to draw closer to God.
COMPLETED BUTTERFLY SCARF. This 8 x 54 Habotai scarf came out Lovely, unfortunately the photo does not show the textured effects of the background in salt technique. After 3 days, the scarf is complete! Praise the Lord! The person who commisioned this really loved it too. That brings me joy.
copyrighted Grace Brunelle 2005
Butterfly Scarf Close up. See how lovely the Lumiere Pewter lines look! The butterfly stands for RESSURECTION!
copyrighted Grace Brunelle 2005
THOUGHTFULNESS on Pebbly Silk Crepe. Pansies do mean thoughtfulness, and that quality is one i hold dear.
copyrighted Grace Brunelle 2005
BESIDES STILL WATERS HE REFRESHES AND ENLIGHTENS ME. This is a close up of the scarf in Habotai 8 mm. I love the Technique the Lord showed me, it looks like a Monet Painting!
copyrighted Grace Brunelle 2005