Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentines Day to my husband Rob!!

• Barbra Streisand • Iv´e Dreamed Of You [1999] •
All of you enjoy the song, but it really does tell the story of
my husband and I.
I prayed for 9 months and the Lord sent Rob my way, later we found our paths crossed many times.
This is our 25th year of marriage.
Happy 25th Valentine to my Darling Rob,
love, forever, from me

Somewhere Over The Rainbow

Josh Groban and Mireille Mathieu sing the song I have loved since childhood.
May this brighten your day.
hugs, grace

Andy Paiko Glass Spinning Wheel

This is like a Fairy Tale Spinning Wheel. It spins GREAT I would LOVE ONE,, wouldn' you?